Contest Guide
A set of contests geared towards identifying the best of something in a given region. Some of these contests may be periodic, such as annual. Both the region and the target of contest are driven by popular interest and carried out over 4 rounds. Contestants' score is calculated using the formula below:
Score = 100 point scale (70% from average rating on straight scale plus 30% from unique voter count on logarithmic scale)
rating = [sum(rating value)/(count(unique criteria) * count(unique voters))]
Setting up a "Best Of" Contest
A contest region is identified (Twin Cities, etc.)
A product or service is identified, based on
Popular demand (food items like pizza & steak, character traits like leadership, etc.)
Identifiable rating criteria
A set of appropriate rating criteria is identified and preset, each carrying equal weight ranging from 1-5
Results are published on Shaeba Ratings
Recruitment Round
A minimum of 30 vendors, within the contest region, are identified and enlisted to be rated, although any valid regional provider is welcome to sign up for the contest
Signers must agree to the terms and conditions to enlist vendors/providers
Contestants are listed under corresponding contest on Shaeba Ratings
Contestants are granted access to promotional templates and provider specific QR codes, which they may display where their customers can easily access and rate them with
Qualifying Round
Begins when a contest has 30 or more participating vendors
Continues until a winner is declared
Battle Round
Begins when at least 10 contestants are rated by 10 or more voters
Contestants who make it to this round are considered qualified and are awarded 3-month Shaeba Ratings Basic subscription, which they may use to monitor their ratings among other things
Contestants in this round are flagged on Shaeba Ratings as qualified
Continues until a winner is declared
Final Round
Begins when at least 3 contestants are rated by 30 or more voters
Contestants who make it to this round are
Awarded an additional 3-month Shaeba Ratings Basic subscription
Invited to potentially host the championship event
Invited to accept Shaeba Coins in exchange for a negotiated discount at the championship event
Contestants in this round are flagged on Shaeba Ratings as finalists
Runs for a total of 7 days
The Winner
Contestant with the highest contest rating and at least 30 voters, at the end of the 7-day final round, is declared winner
contest rating = [count(unique voters) * 0.3 + rating * 0.7], where rating = [sum(rating value)/(count(unique criteria) * count(unique voters))]
Listed on Shaeba Ratings public winners' registry
A championship celebration event date and hosting venue is declared, published, and promoted by both Shaeba and the winner
Local media is notified of the championship event
Championship Event
Hosted, if feasible, at the venue of the winner
Winner is awarded a framed championship winner certificate, with fanfare
Event info, media, and cheers published in local media
Everyone goes home happy